Author Archives: Bruno Pedro

Environmental Sensing with the JeeLabs Platform

From prototype to PCB with Fritzing

I’ve been trying different electronic design automation tools and I came across a great application that lets you document your breadboard projects and get PCB layouts automatically generated. Fritzing is an open-source initiative to support designers, artists, researchers and hobbyists to take the step from physical prototyping to actual product. Fritzing is available for Mac […]

Build your own paper arduino with PAPERduino

Guilherme Martins has put together what might be considered as the cheapest, easiest, do it yourself arduino clone: the PAPERduino. Because there’s no direct USB connection you’ll either need a USB TTL-32 cable or an FTDI basic breakout to communicate with the ATMega168. This is a fully functional version of the Arduino. We eliminated the […]

RBBB – Really Bare Bones Board

If you think an arduino is too much or you simply want to cut costs, then RBBB is the board for you. RBBB boards come in three flavors: as a kit with all the required components, fully assembled or just the board itself. This is a mini board designed for those experimental applications that require […]